Virtual: 55 minutes
In Person:
Half-day: 4 hours
Full-day: 8 hours
1.5-days: 12 hours
Who should attend
Anyone who wants to sharpen their communication skills.
You and an important stakeholder have a difference of opinion about an important issue or the best way to accomplish certain goals. Given that you’re on different pages - if not on different planets - is there a way you can actually make your case without ruffling your discussion partner’s feathers or getting mired in quicksand? Are there techniques you can use to help a person who has taken a firm stance on an issue see things from a different perspective?
In this class, we’ll share ways to activate your emotional intelligence as you prepare for and manage these potentially difficult conversations. You’ll learn how to get your point across effectively without losing sleep - or a relationship.
what you’ll learn
The best way to bring up an alternative point of view without offending the other party;
Techniques for uncovering the deeper reasons for a disagreement - and possibly moving the conversation to a more productive place;
Three different “questioning” techniques that can open the door for further negotiation;
How to summarize, paraphrase and buy agreement before offering your alternative point of view;
How to help your discussion partner “own” the solution.
Looking to offer participants a hands-on experience after they take this class? Our Learning Lab add-on class may be just the thing. Learning Labs give participants a chance to bring in their own content and practice key skills for instructor feedback. So that we can offer a personalized experience, we limit the number of attendees who can join each Learning Lab. Each participant will be asked to complete some light “pre-work” beforehand so they come to the session warmed up and ready to go.